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TYPOGRAM. Typographic Puzzle Game

Puzzle Game

TYPOGRAM is a typographic-themed puzzle game inspired by Chinese tangram. In the original tangram puzzle you have 7 flat shapes from which you are able to create new abstract forms. Popular forms include animals, plants and flowers, different objects and iconic human moves.

TYPOGRAM puts a twist into classic rules by giving you a chance to shape typographic characters or to create your own ABC. By playing TYPOGRAM you will be able to study typography as you have to think about what characteristics are the most important to shape one letter or a another.

In Hungarian edition of TYPOGRAM all letters with accents are possible to be shaped and there are even new ways to form one letter or another. Both basic game rules and shape-solutions are included in box and you may choose from different colored ribbons to have your very own, personalized TYPOGRAM box set.

2017, Budapest Metropolitan University
Project Director: Péter Maczó
Graphic Designer: Zsófia Pressing
Photographer: Zsófia Pressing

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TYPOGRAM. Typographic Puzzle Game

TYPOGRAM. Typographic Puzzle Game

TYPOGRAM is a pocket-sized re-release of a famous Chinese game. called tangram. Tangram is an abstract puzzle which allows you to create simplifi Read More
